Scientists continue to study new ways to eliminate and cure breast cancer. Along with telling people to eat a healthy diet, exercise, and avoid habits like smoking or using tobacco, scientists are now advising people to consume more Vitamin D. They theorize that Vitamin D could be the link to minimizing the risk for or preventing breast cancer altogether.
Vitamin D Studies
From 2002 until 2017, researchers from the University of California San Diego, Creighton University, the Medical University of South Carolina, and Grassroots Health conducted scientific studies to determine the role of Vitamin D in the occurrence of breast cancer. The two studies conducted during this time frame followed over 5000 women over the age of 55.
The women were free from cancer at the time they joined the study. The researchers gave the women Vitamin D supplements each day and then followed the health of the women over the course of four years. Their research concluded that women who had higher levels of Vitamin D avoided developing breast cancer more often than women with lower Vitamin D levels in their bloodstream.
At the conclusion of their studies, scientists theorized that Vitamin D played a significant role in preventing breast cancer in women who took part in the studies. Their research additionally found that women with high levels of Vitamin D who did develop breast cancer had better recovery and survival rates than women with low levels of Vitamin D.
The Role of Vitamin D in the Human Body
Scientists have long known that Vitamin D is crucial to the development and maintenance of strong bones. However, within the last decade they have discovered that this vitamin is also critical in the production and growth of normal blood cells.
In fact, Vitamin D is so important to blood cell production and growth that doctors now recommend people of all ages consume the right levels of it on a daily basis. People between the ages of one and 70 should consume 600 international units or IUs of Vitamin D each day.
Babies under the age of one should be given 400 IUs of Vitamin D while people over the age of 70 should consume 800 IUs on a daily basis. Doctors encourage people to eat foods that are high in Vitamin D. These dietary choices include:
• Salmon
• Sardines
• Oysters
• Cheese
• Egg yolks
• Vitamin D fortified milk
• Liver
• Orange juice
• Vitamin D fortified cereals
Infants can get Vitamin D by drinking formula that has Vitamin D added to it.
Vitamin D and Sunlight
The sunlight is also a natural source of Vitamin D from which people can benefit on a daily basis. Scientists are actually seeing a rise in breast cancer in some populations, however, because people are worried about developing skin cancer. More people are avoiding going out in the sun to protect their skin.
While it is true that prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause skin cancer, scientists offer a compromise to reducing this risk. They suggest people go out into the sunlight while wearing sunscreen. The sunscreen will prevent harmful UV rays from causing skin cancer. However, it will not block the beneficial Vitamin D found in the sun’s light.
Additionally, scientists urge people to eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid harmful lifestyle habits like smoking to minimize their chances of developing breast cancer. These strategies combined with consuming enough Vitamin D on a daily basis could significantly reduce a person’s chances of developing breast cancer.
Scientists have discovered a direct link between Vitamin D consumption and breast cancer. This vitamin has been proven to be essential in preventing abnormal cell growth in the body.
The studies conducted by several universities suggest that adequate intakes of Vitamin D could prevent some people from developing breast cancer. It also can better a person’s breast cancer survival and recovery.