With the holiday season right around the corner, it’s important to have a plan ready after you binge on all of those extra calories. There is absolutely nothing wrong with overeating on special occasions, so don’t be too hard on yourself when you choose to indulge. Feeling guilty after the fact will only discourage you from getting back on track. The best ways to recover from overeating involve refocusing, re-hydrating, refueling and re-energizing your body. These simple steps will have you back into your healthy lifestyle routines faster than you know it.
After you’ve binged out, it’s so important to refocus your energy back on your goals. Reject the impulse to feel overly guilty. Remember that it takes around 3,500 calories to gain one pound of body fat, so it’s unlikely that one overindulged meal will make a major difference. No individual has perfect eating habits all the time. Instead of immediately jumping to the scale to see the impact of your binge, refocus on your overall health goals.
Consider beginning or restarting a health journal that will help encourage healthy eating habits moving forward. If you overate during a holiday feast, then be sure to throw out any leftovers that aren’t included in your future health plans.
Staying hydrated is always an important part of any health plan. Remaining hydrated on a consistent basis helps your body maintain a healthy metabolism. Pure drinking water flushes toxins out of your system and helps keep you rejuvenated on a daily basis. Drinking extra water in the days following your binge will help naturally flush out any extra sodium in your body.
Additionally, water will help reduce uncomfortable bloating and help you digest the extra calories you ate. Overeating increases sodium-induced dehydration that often tricks our brains into thinking we are hungry when we’re really craving water. Re-hydrate yourself the night after a binge even when you feel too stuffed to be thirsty.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but you need to refuel your body with the right foods to get back into the swing of your health plan. This key tip will significantly improve your body’s response to a temporary period of binging. The problem with overeating is that it causes your blood sugar levels to skyrocket followed by a swift crash. If you fall asleep during this period of time, then you’re likely to wake up feeling starved despite the enormous meal you consumed. Properly refuel your body with protein-rich foods that will help restore normal blood sugar levels.
Foods high in protein will also aid in the continued digestion of the heavy meal. The perfect breakfast after a brief period of overeating may include eggs, fruit, Greek yogurt or even leftover lean turkey. Failing to properly refuel your body after a binge can lead to a devastating return to unhealthy habits. Don’t let your body re-adjust to unhealthy lifestyle habits, rather refocus, re-hydrate and refuel. Your body can quickly bounce back into your health routine. It’s extremely important to refuel your body rather than starve yourself in the days following a binge.
Many women think that by eating less the next day they can somehow make up for the extra calories, but this type of behavior will likely make you feel much worse. Skipping your usual meals or snacks will only increase your body’s desire to overeat again.
While you shouldn’t try to over indulge in exercising as a response to overeating, there are some incredible benefits to getting moving in the days following a binge period. Working up a sweat will deliver much needed oxygen to the digestive track. This will greatly aid in digestion and help your body feel re-energized.
Experts note that even 45 minutes of brisk walking can drastically reduce your appetite. Working out balances both Leptin and Ghrelin which both regulate feelings of hunger. In addition to all of the great benefits that moving has on your body, researchers have consistently proven that staying active enormously improves your emotional and mentalwell-being. If you do feel depressed or guilty over the break in your health routine, then maybe a short walk or run is exactly what you need to get out of that mindset.
To be fair, most of the damage that comes from brief overeating periods is mental rather than physical. When we have dedicated ourselves to living a healthy lifestyle, it can be difficult to give ourselves a break when we slack. It’s crucial to exert your energy on refocusing, re-hydrating, refueling and re-energizing your body rather than dwelling on what has already happened. Practice self-care, and remember that living a healthy life can’t be derailed by a short period of indulgence.