Whether you’re taking a road trip, cruising to the Bahamas or flying to Chicago on business, remember to pack healthy eating habits. Those traveling on business or for pleasure are often barraged with dozens of fast food chains, coffee shops and greasy spoon diners. Plus, there is often a tendency to eat and drink more than usual and to get careless about the calories and fats you consume. So what can a traveler do to eat healthy and stay on track?
Up, Up and Away with Unwanted Calories
If traveling by plane to your destination, you may want to pack some healthy snacks; but, first, check with current TSA regulations to see what types of items are restricted from carry on. Nowadays, many airlines have curtailed in-flight meals; unfortunately, that may mean you wind up with a bag of salty nuts or chips and a cup of soda or coffee – not exactly the perfect nosh. So, it’s always a good idea to take one or two healthy snacks along with you. If a meal is being served on your flight, be sure to request a special meal at the time you make your airline reservations. Usually, vegetarian meals are made fresh and contain fewer fats and calories. Or, ask if the airline offers a low-sodium, low-fat or low-calorie option. Also, be sure to request bottled water to help you stay well hydrated throughout your flight.
Eating out can be Healthy
Once you land, be sure to follow these helpful suggestions when eating out at local restaurants:
Eat moderate amounts of healthy, well-balanced foods
- Forego the appetizer and order a healthy entrée with two sides of vegetables – choose selections that are prepared from fresh (not canned or frozen) foods; it will surely taste better and be better for you
- Select fresh fruit instead of a high-fat, calorie-packed dessert
- Keep it simple. As a general guide, choose plain, wholesome and fresh foods.
- Eat foods that are baked, broiled, poached, sautéed or roasted – be sure to avoid fried foods, creamy sauces and creamed soups
- Skip the seconds. Get up and go for a walk on the town instead.
- And, if you must eat fast food, check out their new low-fat, low-calorie options.
What if there’s a Sea of Food?
If you’re planning a cruise, you will quickly learn that there is food at virtually every turn. As a first line of defense, ask if the cruise line offers special low-calorie entrees. Whatever you do, avoid the midnight buffets and remember there’s no rule about eating everything that’s put in front of you. Limit your alcohol consumption and steer clear of the dessert buffet. Get plenty of exercise while on board. Walking and working out at the spa or gym can speed your metabolism and actually help you to loose weight while on your on vacation. Also, you may want to inquire with your travel agent or search online for cruises that are geared toward weight-conscious vacationers.
Bring Food Along for the Ride
If you’re traveling by car, take along an ice chest packed with a few nutritious meals and snacks. You can replenish your supplies as you travel and if your hotel room has a small refrigerator, you’re all set. If you’re traveling by motor home, then you have a refrigerator and kitchen to make your own healthy meals.
Whatever you go, whatever you do, follow these guidelines and you’ll be traveling lighter and feeling happier and healthier, too.